Keywords: Mode: All keywords (AND) |
Sun Jun 18, 2017 23:17
blakman: Well, I made a cross-compilation of the pacakge while building a new firmware.
Here's a Makefile:
include $(TOPDIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Package/smstools3
TITLE:=Sms Server Tools 3
define Package/smstools3/description
The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive
short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones.
define Build/Prepare
mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
$(CP) ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
# comment this out if you don't want to change anything in original smstools3 Makefile
define Build/Compile
define Package/smstools3/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/local/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/smsd $(1)/usr/local/bin/
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./scripts/sendsms $(1)/usr/local/bin/
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./scripts/sms2unicode $(1)/usr/local/bin/
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./scripts/unicode2sms $(1)/usr/local/bin/
# $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/smstools3/examples
# $(INSTALL_DATA) ./examples/* $(1)/usr/share/smstools3/examples/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./examples/smsd.conf.non-root $(1)/etc/smsd.conf
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,smstools3))
A short HOWTO 2 all, whom it may concern:
Download tarball from this site, and extract it as is to openwrt/packages/utils/smstool3
Create Makefile there with the contents above.
Note, that every line cannot begin with a space(s), so substitute any leading spaces to Tab(s) after copy/paste.
Since I've always wanted to use ussd_convert = 1, I added +CFLAGS += -D USE_ICONV to the project's Makefile( which is inside the ./src/)
If you don't want to change any option at Makefile, pls comment out $(Build/Patch) string from openWRT Makefile.
If you didn't do any changes in the project's Makefile, you may substitute Build/Compile section to the following:
define Build/Compile
2 keke
If you'd transfer your project to github, it can be possible to fully automate the process of compilation/integration of a new version using this(for ex.):
..... etc.
Of course we may automate the build process with PKG_DATA_FILENAME:=, but in this case we need to manually edit Makefile each time new version is coming out.
Sun Jun 18, 2017 05:34
blakman: I'm unable to edit my prevoius post so I have to apology!
keke you're not mistyped, we can use as ussd_convert = 4 so ussd_convert = 2.
Moreover, we may not use smstools3 internal conversion at all, because once USSD received, we're dealing with PDU message itself.
Sun Jun 18, 2017 05:16
Thank you for choosing this software!
It looks like some operator has changed the answer for USSD, and therefore version 3.1.15 does not handle it properly.
You need to install smsd version 3.1.21. I do not know if it's available in the repository. Likely you need to compile it from sources.
With the version 3.1.21 use the setting ussd_convert = 1.
Unfortunately, OpenWRT freshest repos does have smstools3 3.1.15 only. And, as you absolutely right, the only way is to build 3.1.21 from source.
Once decided, we have two ways to do this: (1) - straight on our OpenWRT hardware and it's really-really hard if you even have powerful router (2) - cross-compiling, which is easy if you build your firmware right form a source. Fortunately, I've did it before and can do it again in a short time and post here a guide and package itself.
But, I'm lazy, the problem is solved and I, in particular, don't need newer version. However, I can do this for the community here.
What do you think, should I?
Sun Jun 18, 2017 04:56
blakman: Thanks a lot, keke, it works! And you're a genius!
However, you've probably mistyped when instructed me to use ussd_convert = 4. Your receipt works perfectly, but with ussd_convert = 2.
With this parameter I've replicated your solution with success!
Then I've commented out regular_run_statfile = /var/log/ussd.stat from smsd.conf and changed eventhandler script to the following:
# now we don't need to use any additional files, so file="$2" argument to eventhandler is pretty enough
tmp=$(head -5 $file | awk -v FS="(CUSD: 0,\"|\",72)" '{print $2}' | sed 's/../\\\x&/g')
# or if we like sed as I do ))
tmp=$(head -5 $file | sed 's/^.*+CUSD: 0,"//' | sed 's/",72.*//' | sed 's/../\\\x&/g')
tmp2=$(echo -n -e $tmp | iconv -f UCS-2BE -t UTF-8)
# the rest of USSD message is adevertising garbage so we don't need it to be redirected to our clean and shiny mailbox
ussd=$(echo -n -e $tmp2 | cut -c-9)
echo "Current reminder is: "$ussd >> $ussdbody
mailsend -f --------- -t ---------- -smtp -starttls \
-cs "utf-8" -user -------- -pass ------- -auth-plain -sub "Balance check results" -msg-body $ussdbody
Sun Jun 04, 2017 14:31
blakman: Very important notice!
Here's a sample of a reply, received from my modem:
When I'm using Smstool3 PDU converter and tick "GSM 7bit packed" I'm getting the same(on my sight) result which I'm able to get with ussd_convert = 2.
When I tick "UCS2" radiobutton - I'm getting exactly what I need!
Ok, - I decided, - I'll use ussd_convert = 2, then I'll pass converted message to iconv -f USC-2 -t UTF-8 - and I was wrong in this suggestion, getting a garbage again.
Dear keke, since you've programmed and have built this converter to your site, you know what exactly it does when I tick UCS-2 button before I press Convert.
Please enlighten me!
Sun Jun 04, 2017 14:19
blakman: Operating system name and version: OpenWRT CHAOS CALMER (15.05, r46767)
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E3276
Interface: USB
First of all, keke, I think you've created a swiss-army knife for modem handling and would like to thank you for this! A lot! Awesome work!
2 keke and all:
Smstool3 do helping me to solve my task, which is: notifying of incoming SMS messages and making USSD-request one per 24 hours to check a reminder of money on my SIM-car installed in Huawei E3276 modem connected to OpenWRT-driver router.
My main problem is PDU or GSM-7 decoding of cyrillic text.
Thanks to The Author, smstools3 do able to convert USSD messages by it's own means. According to teh documentation we've got two main ussd_convert options(2 and 4).
When I'm using ussd_convert = 2, I cannot convert a result of this internal conversion by all power of iconv.
When I'm using ussd_convert = 4, I'm successfully getting all digits in USSD message, but cannot decode text either.
However, I'm successfully convert all cyrillic SMS from USC-2 to UTF-8 by iconv(see eventhandler below)
I've tried a lot of combinations doing the same with smstool-decoded text, but failed at it.
My last solution is to use ussd_convert = 4, then just to throw out all characters except first five, which contains only digits of my remaining balance.
But this solution is kinda wierd and temporary, so the question is:
what coding must I use as a source when passing smstool-decoded text to iconv?
or what algorithm must I use to get from PDU message to readable UTF-8?
please help!
Here's my smsd.conf:
devices = GSM1
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 5
infofile = /var/run/smstools/smsd.working
pidfile = /var/run/smstools/
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
#stats = /var/log/smsd_stats
receive_before_send = no
autosplit = 3
keep_filename = no
#decode_unicode_text = yes
#incoming_utf8 = yes
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
incoming = yes
baudrate = 9600
loglevel_lac_ci = 8
check_memory_method = 4
init = ATZ
#init2 = AT+CMSS="ME","ME","ME"
#init2 = AT+CNMI=1,1,0,2
regular_run_cmd = AT+CUSD=1,"AA184C3602",15;
regular_run_interval = 43200
ussd_convert = 4
eventhandler = /etc/smsd/
eventhandler_ussd = /etc/smsd/
And here's my eventhandler:
if [ -f "$msgbody" ]
rm -f $msgbody
touch $msgbody
if [ -f "$ussdbody" ]
rm -f $ussdbody
case "$1" in
head -12 $file | grep -e "^From: " -e "^Sent: " -e "^Received: " >> $msgbody
if grep "Alphabet: UCS2" $file >/dev/null; then
tail +13 $file | iconv -f UCS-2 -t UTF-8 >> $msgbody
tail +13 $file >> $msgbody
echo >> $msgbody
mailsend -f --------- -t ---------- -smtp -starttls \
-cs "utf-8" -user -------- -pass ------- -auth-plain -sub "SMS was received" -msg-body $msgbody
ussd=$(head -5 $file | sed 's/^.*\/\///' | sed 's/ //' | cut -c-5)
echo ".............. ............: "$ussd" ............" >> $ussdbody
mailsend -f --------- -t ---------- -smtp -starttls \
-cs "utf-8" -user -------- -pass ------- -auth-plain -sub "Balance check results" -msg-body $ussdbody