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focus: The incoming file fomat is like this : --------------------------------- From: From_TOA: From_SMSC: Sent: Received: Subject: GSM1 Modem: GSM1 IMSI: Report: Alphabet: UCS2 Length: message content ------------------------------------ I failed to get the msg content by using split("\n\n",$msg) or "\x0a\x0a" so what's the best way to get received msg ? thanks
focus: Hi keke : I send many messages to a shot number and it returns messages to the modem . but , the incoming msg is not in the order of sending msg . for some reason , the first sending msg will not the first one coming back . Is there an uniq order_id or something to match the sent and the received msg ? thanks
focus: in the example , there writes: [queues] finland = /var/spool/sms/finland other = /var/spool/sms/other [providers] finland = 358, s other = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 If I use queues of finland and prefix of the destination phone is not 358, what would happen? massage can't be send ?
focus: Operating system name and version: Linux sms196 2.6.9-42.ELsmp Version of smsd: Version 3.1.6 Smsd installed from: sources Name and model of a modem / phone: GSM1 Interface: serial Hi keke When I was reading the manual , I found something exciting , I saw words : AT+VTS Can this smstools help dialing a phone number and play to him a mp3 or wav file on my modem server ? If yes , any examples?
focus: all problems settled thanks a lot.!
focus: Operating system name and version: linux Version of smsd: 3.1.6 Smsd installed from: sources Name and model of a modem / phone: Interface: serial in smsd.conf , i write eventhandler = /usr/local/php/bin/php -f /data0/apache/share/htdocs/html/ev.php it seems that the script does not work . I read the manual about 'eventhandler' , it says the script that will execute whenever a message was sent, received or failed. my question is ; 1, How can I catch the exact event , for example ,i just want to catch the 'sent' event without received and failed event. 2,Is there any problems in the line of eventhandler in smsd.conf I wrote above ? 3,what's the parameter of the php scripts ? I try to use $argv[1] to get it ,but it seems failed. .
focus: yes ,Hex: yes is the problem , I delete this line and try a hexadecimal string copy from someones' blog , it works ! thank you! but when I try to write my own hexadecimal string , a new problem occurs : Alphabet:binary Modem: GSM2 IMSI: 460001254100881 Fail_reason: +CMS ERROR: 38 (Network out of order) Failed: 10-08-04 12:29:57 PDU: 0071000D91683119114223F40004FF3D0605040B8423F072060A03AE81EAAF828D80B48402056A0045C60C03E4BDA0E5A5BD000801033230322E3130382E33372E3136382F772E706870000101 0605040B8423F081060603AE81EA8D5002056A0045C6080C033230322e3130382e33372e3136382f772e7068700003e4bda0e5a5bd000101 what's that mean? and , another way , can smstools3 send MMS ? When you create a wap push message directly in binary format, do not use the Hex: yes header. This header can only be used when a message body is presented using the hexadecimal format. Your message will probably work when you create a message file with a content: To: destination (in international format) Alphabet: binary <single empty line> <result from getSMSPush()> Hexadecimal format is available because manually with editor it's easier to write than binary data. Also, sent messages (if stored) are easier to read when the format is hexadecimal. If necessary, the script can easily create message body in hex format, just output "02 " instead of chr(0x02) etc., and use STRING: or INLINESTRING: for strings. Some linefeeds are also needed.
focus: Currently the only example of wap push is here. It looks like you are giving hexadecimal bytes in your message, and the length of a data is not even. Or probably there is a line containing only "„" (single character). In this case comment it out, or remove it. here is the php code . I wish you can help me out function getSMSPush($subject, $url) { $pushString = ""; $body = ""; // Content_length Pos // Begin Pos $body .= chr(0x02); $body .= chr(0x05); //-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN $body .= chr(0x6A); //UTF-8 $body .= chr(0x00); // $body .= chr(0x45); //<si> $body .= chr(0xC6); //<indication $body .= chr(0x0C); //href="http:// $body .= chr(0x03); // $body .= iconv( "GBK", "UTF-8", $url ); $body .= chr(0x00); $body .= chr(0x08); // action=signal-high $body .= chr(0x01); ; // END( of indication attribute list) $body .= chr(0x03); // $body .= iconv( "GBK", "UTF-8", $subject ); // $body .= chr(0x00); // $body .= chr(0x01); ; // END( of indication attribute list) $body .= chr(0x01); ; // END( of indication attribute list) $length = strlen($body); $pud = ""; $pud .= chr(0x81); //transaction id (connectionless WSP) $pud .= chr(0x06); //'pdu type (06=push) $pud .= chr(0x06); //Headers len $pud .= chr(0x03); $pud .= chr(0xAE); $pud .= chr(0x81); $pud .= chr(0xEA); //content type: application/vnd.wap.sic; charset=utf-8 $pud .= chr(0x8D); $pud .= chr(0x00); $pud .= chr(dechex($length)); //content-length $udh = ""; $udh .= chr(0x06); //User Data Header Length (6 bytes) $udh .= chr(0x05); //$udh Item Element id (Port Numbers) $udh .= chr(0x04); //$udh IE length (4 bytes) $udh .= chr(0x0B); $udh .= chr(0x84); //destination port number $udh .= chr(0x23); $udh .= chr(0xF0); //origin port number $pushString = $udh . $pud . $body; return $pushString; }
focus: I've seen the example before. 'LENGTH // This stops the counting and places the number' what does 'LENGTH' mean ? In my program , its' value is strlen(body); body= 0x020x050x04.....0x010x01 ;
focus: Operating system name and version: Linux sms196 2.6.9-42.ELsmp Version of smsd: Version 3.1.6 Smsd installed from: sources Name and model of a modem / phone: GSM1 Interface: serial I'm trying to send a wappush msg . But it's always failed. The file in /var/spool/sms/failed/ shows: Fail_reason: Hex presentation error in sms file: incorrect length of data: "„" what's wrong? is there any example for wappush sms format ? many thanks ..

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