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fsound: Is there a way to turn off the repeated initialisation? Every time it looks for new messages (or when it wants to send messages), smstool sends: - INIT command - INIT2 command - AT+CPIN? - AT+CSQ - AT+CMGF=0 etc. My modem doesn't need that.
fsound: Operating system name and version: cygwin on Windows 7, 64-bit Version of smsd: 3.1.15 Smsd installed from: sources Name and model of a modem / phone: ZTE MF190 Interface: USB via virtual COM-port Some German providers offer sending status reports by *T# and *N# in front of the message text. These strings have to be followed by a space. The receiver then says a space as first char in the SMS. Example (_ is space at beginning of the SMS): Sender: *N# Hello, how are you? Receiver: _Hello, how are you? When using smstools, the SMS gets sent with the leading *N#, so the receiver actually sees *N# Hello, how are you? It seems to be converted to normal text - is this some kind of custom header? Is it possible to send these control strings via smstools? Best regards, fsound

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