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hstadler: Hi, at the moment not working with more than 1 number. Alternative Solution: you send a mail with only one number (in your case you send the mail 3x with different numbers).
hstadler: there is also the possibility to get the sms number out of the mail body with option "frombody", but that should be the last option you should choose. typical emailaddress "displayname<>" which field contains the sms number ? choose between "username|displayname|frombody" new option (version 1.13): you can choose "frombody", in this case it is possible to define a regex option where you can extract the sms number from the mail body.
hstadler: You can have as much sms-numbers you like, the simplest solution is described on page 7. one user mailbox like "sms" and you send a mail like: "4399999887755<>" or any other number, the receiver is always the user "sms". In this case you have to configure: “MAILBOX_SMSFIELD” with “displayname” (because we use the displayname and not the username for the sms number). Regex is only used to check the sender of the mail, to limit it to some senders. Normaly anybody could send a mail to this mailbox with the right syntax and you would send a sms to the sms receiver. PS: What is a displayname / username ? I think this example explains it. mail -s "Test sms" "displayname<>" < /dev/null
hstadler: Hi, secure imap4 (imap4s) is not implemented at the moment but pop3s is. This should work, dont forget to enable this in gmail. Hope this helps. Bye
hstadler: Hi, I would suggest you try it first with a standard email client (microsoft outlook, thunderbird,...) if that works you go on with mailsmsgateway. PS: in gmail you have to enable the "imap" functionality, but there are a lot of descriptions out there who describes how to make...
hstadler: Hi, have a look at "MailSmsGateway_1.15.pdf" on page 10 about "Perl modules" and install this module with "cpan Mail::Box"
hstadler: Hi, I think you are trying to start a second instance of MailSMSGateway, please check, there should be aready one running -> restart.
hstadler: hi, please set the config parameter: # Level of logging (debug,info,warn,error,fatal) LOGLEVEL=debug and send the log output to my mailaddress ( defined in the config header lines. bye
hstadler: Hi, I understand what you mean by approved email senders (to allow only these senders to send an sms), but what do you mean with "Only Me" ? Can you give me an example. Thanks!
hstadler: Hi, regarding the "authenticate" parameter I can implement a solution, but concerning the "delayed" message I have searched a while, but I fear you have to contact the owner of the module (mark overmeer). Sorry! Bye
hstadler: Hi, thank you for your info, I made a new package with version 1.14 (with unicode support) Bye
hstadler: hi, now I have "designed" a solution for you, please have a look at page 17 in the pdf document on sourceforge. bye
hstadler: Hi, I think with no adaption of the code there is no chance to get a simple solution. I try to build a solution in the next 2 weeks. bye
hstadler: hi, this message has something to to with your configuration file in /etc directory. Please check with a hexeditor or with "od" and search for the hex code "e0" and "4d". the file should be in an "utf8" format. may be this link helps: Thank you for your offer. Bye
hstadler: Hi, have a look at for the new version (1.12). It should work now with all receivers in the "To:" field. Bye
hstadler: hi, i will try to find a solution, bye
hstadler: Hi, I will give you a short description about the flow of the processed mail message. - opening of the mailbox and start reading of mails - arranging SMS Message (text from subject or mailbody) - creation of a temporary file in directory "/tmp" (temporary file like: /tmp/SMS_send_<XXXXXX>) - after creation the file is moved to the SMS spool directory (normally /var/spool/sms/outgoing) if not changed in MailSmsGateway.cfg (Parameter SMS_SPOOLDIR) - deletion of processed mail You have 2 files to look for hints/errors: 1) the standard logfile "/var/log/MailSmsGateway.log" 2) and "/var/log/MailSmsGateway_STDERR_<XXXXXX>" for possible program/module errors
hstadler: Now it is possible to send both (subject & body), to find in version 1.11 on sourceforge. Details how to customize in pdf document under FAQ.
hstadler: yes, I try it to get it ready till next week
hstadler: Hi, I added now the possibility to send the mail body instead of the subject. have fun!
hstadler: Hi, as already mentioned in my mail, it would be possible but on very large mails a lot of sms would be sent. With the subject of the mail it is more manageable. Concerning "Mail::MboxParser", it is another possibility to process the mailbox, but keep an eye to the (further) development of this module (version from 2005).
hstadler: If someone is interested in "MailSMSGateway". SMS is one of the most preferred mode of communication and therefore it would be nice to send an email notification directly to an sms receiver. This gateway retrieves the mails and place it to the sms spool directory for sending. MailSmsGateway is a simple interface between mailing and sms services (like smstools3). How does it work ? An email client sends mail messages to an email account. The email account can be located under a linux server (sendmail), Microsoft Exchange or any other email server. You have now 4 possibilities to retrieve the emails and pass it over to the sms service (at the moment smstools3 is supported). Under *nix systems: - mailbox - maildir system independent: - pop3/pop3s - imap4 Further details:

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