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stanleyatala: It works ...! My problem was the lack of formail. I thought "formail" was a standard bash command. Install procmail and the script works perfect ... and I can already send notifications to multiple stakeholders. Thank you very much for your support ...! :mrgreen:
stanleyatala: Keke excuse me ... I just post when you answered. I will try and write you ... Thank you very much :D
stanleyatala: Hello, the question is, how to make the script is interpreted. perhaps some library should I use? My steps were: 1. I create a file (for personal comfort) in "/var/spool/sms/scripts", paste the script * 2. Named as "" 3. I grant permissions: chmod a + x 4. He sent it to sbin: cp /usr/sbin/multisms 5. Edito smsd.config, adding multisms to checkhandler: checkhandler = /usr/sbin/ 6. enable: shell = /bin/bash executable_check = yes 7. SMSD run the devil and put a test sms/var/spool/sms/outgoing. The format is: To: 25678038 To: 27356409 Text ... ... And the SMS is sent only to the last recipient from the list, in this case 27356409. But I see that the problem is with the script, run it does not assume that the variables. I have a great urge to send to múltiple recipients. Please Help ..!
stanleyatala: Hola Rodrigo: El daemon de smsd hace con tu módem lo que le pidas y su lenguaje son los comandos Hayes. Es decir; es posible que debas incluir lineas AT particulares en la inicialización de cada módem (etc/smsd.conf). En mi caso (modem ZTE) uso las siguientes lineas: init = AT+CMGF=1 init2 = ATE0+CPMS="ME" La primera linea le indica al módem que el formato SMS sera texto y la segunda le indica donde guardar los SMS entrantes (la mas relevante para tu caso). Intenta inicialmente insertando estas dos lineas; descomenta (#) las lineas init= bajo cada encabezado de modem ([GSM1] y [GSM2] en inserta las dos lineas que te copie. Los comandos Hayes fueron adoptados por la ITU como estándar para telefonía celular (GSM, UMTS, LTE) sin embargo es posible que tu módem use algunos comandos AT particulares del "vendor" (Huawei); por lo que la mejor opción para troubleshooting, si no te funcionan estas lineas estándar, sera probar directamente desde tu módem y la consola serial buscando referencia particular AT para tu módem (puedes usar minicom, dev/ttyUSB5 o dev/ttyUSB2, baudrate = 9600) aplicando comandos AT compatibles con tu módem. ej (post). Mucha suerte..!
stanleyatala: Operating system name and version: xubuntu 12.10 / crunchbang 11 Version of smsd: 3.1.14 / 3.1.11 respectively Smsd installed from: package repository respectively Name and model of a modem / phone: ZTE MF363 Interface: USB Hello friends. I'm really new to linux and English is not my native language (Spanish is). :roll: I am implementing a newsgathering service for events in my NOC. SMS Sever help me send a "multicast" several stakeholders defined. The modem is configured Ok, send and recive sms ok ... just beautiful I have set the script to deposit the message in the folder "outgoing" ... Try setting the script in checkhandler ... Ok starts the daemon, but apparently never executed the script, because not send SMS to more than one recipient. In Syslog I have no warning about it, in fact to deposit a formatted text: To: 1234567 To: 0987654 Text ..... SMS Server sends the SMS to 0987654 only So I can not make it work the script to send the message to multiple recipients. I followed the post: But I fear that the problem is not able to run the script in my bash (none). Something basic, sure... most likely it is a nonsense to the variables ... but I'm going crazy :x The script already has permits and keep it in "sbin" to have it available to a "tab" while doing debugging. The problem is that it goes beyond the line 8: root @ osusb :/ var / spool / sms / scripts # chmod a + x root @ osusb :/ var / spool / sms / scripts # sudo cp / usr / sbin / multisms root @ osusb :/ var / spool / sms / scripts # cd osusb root @: ~ # multisms / usr / sbin / multisms: line 8 :No such file or directory that is (script): recipients = `formail-zx" To: "<" $ 1 ​​"` Please help ..! Any suggestions are welcome ... :? :?

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