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[answered] A Script to handle in server side

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May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Please check this example: Sample eventhandler to store messages into SQL database.

You should adjust SQL_* variables and probably fields too if you want to use a different format of a database. I recommend to use the standard format because it contains many fields which you will need in the future.

Suitable database can be created using this kind of SQL statement:

Your three scripts are not very handy, because you have to change the configuration and restart smsd before each run. Of course, you are just testing your system currently, but you can also call the required script from the "master" eventhandler if you want to. In this case, insert the following to the end of a given sample eventhandler:

These codes are not exactly what you have asked, but they will show how things can be done. Hopefully these examples will help you to move forward.

Jul 2009
Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Topic owner
Hi Keke :)

Sorry for the late of reply, cause I've try my SMS gateway Server using this application (sms server tools) as your suggest too.

Ya, I know that 3 of my scripts aren't very handy. It just test in my sistem only. Let me keep learn about it using manual and also your example :)

And many thanks about your suggest at solution of that scripts. I'll try it now. ^_^


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