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[solved] Error in receiving messages ...

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Author Post
Oct 2023
Location: Russian Federation
Hello i have the same error

and part of smsd.log

PDU Convert tool converted this PDU correct

please help

« Last edit by vampomyak on Sun Oct 08, 2023 14:06, 9 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks vampomyak for the clear information.

The message center gives hexadecimal letters in lowercase, which is exceptional.

A small addition to the source code is needed to handle this.
Edit the file smsd.c in the src directory.
Search for foundsomething=1 and you will find the following code. It's on line about 3963.
Add the lines highlighted in yellow to the code:

        if (found>=0)

          // 10/2023: allow lowcase letters from modem:
          for (i = 0; line2[i]; i++)
            line2[i] = toupper((int)line2[i]);

          //Create a temp file for received message
          //3.1beta3: Moved to the received2file function, filename is now a re$
          statusreport = received2file(line1, line2, filename, &stored_concaten$
'c' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Then save, recompile and restart.

Dec 2023
Location: United States of America
Thank you, keke. I was getting "message format is 3 which is not supported", too.

But your patch did not fix the problem.
"verify_pdu = yes" identified:

There still seems to be an encoding issue.

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