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[answered] vodafone usb modem

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May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
marafa wrote
it still doesnt send even thought it accepts the message. note .. on 3.1.9 if i manually create the file i get the same response

Sorry, but I did not understand you now... :(

The SMS was sent successfully, as shown in the log. And you do not need to use the header To_TOA, as you have national prefixes defined.

Or is there still some kind of a problem?

Jun 2010
Location: Egypt
Topic owner
the log shows that the sms was sent but i did _NOT_ receive it on my mobile.

next, on v3.1.9 if instead of the binary sendsms i create a file in the outgoing directory (with the contents as shown above) i get the same response i.e. it is accepted and it is sent by smsd _BUT_ i did nt receive it on my mobile

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
marafa wrote
the log shows that the sms was sent but i did _NOT_ receive it on my mobile.

Ok, but smsd cannot do nothing for this. It got a message_id, and it means that SMSC has received the SMS for delivery. It's a network problem and you should contact your GSM operator if any SMS is not received even after waiting couple of hours. Usually SMS delivers fast, but there can also be delays.

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