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Correct autostart of smsd on Debian

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Author Post
May 2013
Location: Russian Federation
Operating system name and version: Debian 7
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem : Huawei e352
Interface: USB

I have working configuration, but it works only if I restart smsd manually (user:root), without restart I get error in smsd.log:

This is my regular_run script:

I've added path to sendsms (/usr/local/bin/sendsms), but then I get another error:

Again, if I restart smsd manually, everything works. Autostart enabled by command: update-rc.d sms3 defaults , maybe this is not correct? How to enable autorun smsd with root privileges?

May 2013
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Problem solved, added "-f UTF-8" option to iconv command in sendsms script.

May 2013
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Problem was in locale, default locale for daemon is POSIX, but text to send in UTF-8.

Jan 2014
Location: China
I have the same problem, and this is my solution:

in /etc/rc.local
export LANG

Jan 2014
Location: France
korotky wrote
I have working configuration, but it works only if I restart smsd manually (user:root), without restart I get error in smsd.log:


Again, if I restart smsd manually, everything works. Autostart enabled by command: update-rc.d sms3 defaults , maybe this is not correct? How to enable autorun smsd with root privileges?

try the secure solution :


try to pur regular_run in /usr/bin/ (but not as secure solution, all users on the server can run this script) !

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