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Simply sending USSD

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Author Post
Jun 2013
Location: Natal, Brazil
Does anyone have a simple example of how to send a USSD code using ( Wavecom Q2406B module 4 ports), a simple example and direct without stalling :mrgreen:

Feb 2014
Location: Portugal
Hello. I am planning to use Wavecom Q2406B modem. To send SMS, not USSD. In windows environment, using Cygwin.
Have you sent SMS with that modem using Sms Server Tools?

I would appreciate any information on setting up Wavecom Q2406B.
Thank you!

Jun 2013
Location: Natal, Brazil
Topic owner
Com e de portugal podemos falar em português, qual sua duvida na configuração, eu utilizo o ubuto server para gerenciar os envios e nao windows

Feb 2014
Location: Portugal
Thanks for a quick reply. I prefer to stick to english language in these forums but, sure, we can talk in portuguese by email.
Here is mine: vileglowAtyahoo.

I am looking first of all for set up details, as required in smsd.conf file, and I can use Ubuntu for first experiments, at least. In the long term may switch to Debian or stay in windows-Cygwin.
Later I will gladly post the answer to my precise concerns above in english, in these forums, either on this topic on in the topic I opened today, depending of which is more appropriate.

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