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can sms server tool3 support this model ?

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Author Post
Oct 2013
Location: Vietnam
Operating system name and version 3.1.15:

I see that we can use SMStool3 with another GUI web interface like playSMS but they often install on the same computer.
Can we install playSMS and SMStool3 on different PC like this topo ?

....PC2 install ======= [ SMS Server PC1 ] ======= GSM modem
GUI ex playSMS

Thanks so much. :D

« Last edit by tuanlinh on Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:00, 131 months ago. »
Mar 2013
Location: France

I don't think so...

To work properly SMStools tools need files in /var/spool/sms/outgoing directory.

It would be difficult to create files through PC2 on PC1...SECURITY WHOLE !!!

And PlaySMS are not integrate different configuration for smstools such like a webservice on smstool's server...

Good luck

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