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Internal Operator Numbers - Portugal

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Author Post
Apr 2011
Location: Viseu / Viseu / Portugal, Portugal
Operating system name and version: CENTOS 5
Version of smsd: Latest
Smsd installed from: Source
Name and model of a modem / phone: 3 x Huawei E220 - 3 diferent operators
Interface: USB

I have a question/curiosity.

I don't know about other operators in the world. But here in Portugal we have this:

You can send an sms to 130+93XXXXXXX (or 13093XXXXXXX). The message will appear directly on the phone screen.

But i tried to send an message with the command "sendsms"
Detination: 35113093XXXXXXX
Message: Hello sms test

But it fails, saying the number is invalid.

I have 3 modems configured operators prefix 35193, 35191, 35196.
I've added 35113093 to smsd.conf right after 35193 prefix. Like This:

Optimus 35193, 35113093

Another issue is like this:

If i send an sms with the word "Saldo" to the internal number 1693, it will return an message with the pretended information.
But when trying with sendsms the sms fails!

The same thing to the other operators.

Can someone help me with this?


Best Regards to All

Jan 2014
Location: France
The phones numbers 130 and 1693 are short numbers and should not be prefixed by 351.

Here's a little test I just tried with my operator :

You can be inspired by this example, try with :


A simple search on the internet and reading the scripts of others, would have helped you. ;)

Jan 2014
Location: France
in my last post TO='s13093XXXXXXX' (not TO='s35113093XXXXXXX')

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