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[fixed in 3.1.6] Unicode - bad Euro symbol - perl workaround

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Author Post
Aug 2009
Location: Belgium
Using 3.1.5, under Fedora Linux.

With options "incoming_utf8 = true" and "decode_unicode_text = yes"

The euro sign appears as '¬' ( & #172; ).

I didn't look at the source, because a simple "$Text =~ s/\302\254/\342\202\254/g;" in my script solved the problem.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thank's for the bug report and workaround code.

Unicode decoding fails with euro character. Here is a fast fix for this bug:

# diff -Pur charset.c charset_fixed.c

However, I do not yet publish a new version, because this problem is not very usual and workaround can be used. Standard messages (using GSM character set) work correctly with €.

Next version will have completely rewritten character set conversions from/to Unicode. This is because internal conversion do not currently handle cyrillic languages.

Aug 2009
Location: Belgium
Topic owner
keke wrote
However, I do not yet publish a new version, because this problem is not very usual and workaround can be used. Standard messages (using GSM character set) work correctly with €.

I have no problem of course with the current version, as I have found a workaround.

So for me, the issue is solved.

But I think it's in your interest to realize that the problem is no so uncommon.

In non-English languages, with the help of T9, users can easily insert characters not in the GSM character set.

Just my 0,02$, to help you keep up your good work.

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