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permission error

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Author Post
Jun 2012
Location: Netherlands
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu server 12.04
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Nokia E72-1
Interface: USB


I have setup Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD) with installes Nagios and Check_mk amongst others.

With OMD you create a site that is running under a user.

Now when Check_MK is trying to sms i will get a error, becauseits running under the user of that site.
Running it using root permission is working fine.

the error i recieve when running as the user is the following:

chown: changing ownership of `/tmp/smsd_J9qzGi': Operation not permitted
Output: mktemp: failed to create file via template `/var/spool/sms/outgoing/send_XXXXXX': Permission denied
Output: mv: missing destination file operand after `/tmp/smsd_J9qzGi'

Now permissions under the linux is not my strongest point.

i read the article about setting permission under a user but i can not quite crap it.

So i need your help :P

Now i believe the changing owership error is the main error i need to solve. But because i come from a Windows environment i do not know how to procede solving this. And what the best practice is.

Any help is welcome.

Jan 2014
Location: France

after create /tmp/smsd_J9qzGi

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