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Connecting SMSTools with GSM Gateway over Ethernet

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Feb 2014
Location: Munich, Germany
CentOS 6.5:
CentOS repository:
Portech MV 370 GSM Gateway:
over Ethernet:

Hi all,

i tried to connect my Portech MV 370 to my LAN over Ethernet. But I'm quiet new to Linux and smstools.
so i'm not sure how i have to configure smstools. with my config the program starts, then the files are moved from outgoing to checked but they won't be send...

after spending hours with google search and everybody even used gateways as usb device i posted in here.

maybe anyone could tell me where's my fault and maybe explain a bit if i don't get it,

thanks in advance

my log file


Jul 2014
Location: Belarus
I'm have such a problem. You managed to solve this problem? please help me if you can

Mar 2016
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Me too. Any suggestion?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
FYI, I will release a new beta version within a few days. This version will have some changes for the network modems.

Mar 2016
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Ok thanks, be waiting for it.

Jul 2014
Location: Belarus
Garraty wrote
Me too. Any suggestion?

I found solution for this problem in this post -

Mar 2016
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Hi guys,
thanks for all.

I installed 3.1.16 Version, for use Portech and telnet socket. It's work fine for me with this config:

device = @10.XXX.XXX.XXX:23
telnet_crlf = yes
telnet_login_prompt = username:
telnet_password_prompt = password:
telnet_login = voip
telnet_password = 1234
telnet_cmd_prompt = logout, module, module1, module2, state1, state2.
telnet_cmd = module1
incoming = no
device_open_alarm_after = 5
socket_connection_alarm_after = 5
init = ATV1
hangup_incoming_call = yes
regular_run_logfile = /var/log/smstools/smsd_run_GSM1.log
pin = ignore
status_signal_quality = no
mode = new
queues = GSM1,ALL
decode_unicode_text = yes
internal_combine = yes


Now, i need to use ALL modem into the portech (my device is MV378) with 8 modules. But if i add a context GSM2-module2, GSM3-module3, etc.. demon says:

GSM2: Couldn't connect socket @, error: Connection refused, waiting 5 sec.

Obviously, because the socket connection is busy for GSM1-module1. So, the solution could be to keep the socket open and change module for each SMS, and rotate them until the end of the task, but how do that?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Garraty wrote
Obviously, because the socket connection is busy for GSM1-module1.

Each module should use it's own port. I do not have this kind of device, but I believe that there are settings for each module.

Mar 2016
Location: Cagliari, Italy
I confirm, each module has its own identification number, module1, module2 etc. But all modules can be contacted through the same telnet connection. Certainly I can not use them all at once, it would be enough to cycle them without disconnect the socket connection every time.

I can do this with a script in PHP, so

open the connection
call the module1
send SMS
release module1 (without close connection)

call module2
send SMS
release module2
etc ..
release module8
close socket connection.

In this way i can use all the modems, 1 every 4 seconds.

But this is not replicable with smstool because if i create two contexts with 2 different modules, as mentioned, the second module is not used because the connection is busy with the first module and the first connection.

I seem to understand that this version is fine to use with GSM Gateway with a single modem.

Am i wrong?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Smstools does not and will not support cycling, because each modem handlers are different processes. If only one port is provided, it cannot be shared and therefore only one module can be used.

Can you check if different port can be defined for each modem? It looks like "Server URL" or "Forward Setting" might be the key.

Mar 2016
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Thanks Keke,

Forward Setting is used to forward voice calls.

Instead, i don't understand fully what means "Server Mode" and "Bank Mode", i believe that this modes are used for manage received SMS and forward to a "BANK" or a "SERVER". But i'm don't realy sure.

I'm study..!

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