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[outdated] Error on FALCOM SAMBA 75

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May 2009
Location: Venezia, Italy

I have a falcom Samba 75. Does not work very well recently, ceases to work and I do not understand the reason...

If I detach the modem (USB device) and restart smsd it work only for many minutes.

The LOG have some errors:

2009-08-10 09:12:35,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.5 started.
2009-08-10 09:12:35,2, smsd: Running as spc:Nessuno.
2009-08-10 09:12:37,4, smsd: File mode creation mask: 00 (0666, rw-rw-rw-).
2009-08-10 09:12:37,2, smsd: Running in terminal mode.
2009-08-10 09:13:59,3, GSM1: The modem did not answer (expected OK).
2009-08-10 09:14:09,3, GSM1: Could not send character A, cause: Permission denied
2009-08-10 09:18:36,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess is awaiting the termination of all modem handlers. PID: 2300.
2009-08-10 09:23:20,3, GSM1: Could not send character , cause: Permission denied
2009-08-10 09:23:20,4, GSM1: Sending SMS to 393402590154 failed
2009-08-10 09:23:21,2, GSM1: Modem handler 0 terminated. PID: 3432, was started 09-08-10 09:12:37.
2009-08-10 09:23:21,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess terminated. PID 2300, was started 09-08-10 09:12:37.
2009-08-10 09:25:54,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.5 started.
2009-08-10 09:25:54,2, smsd: Running as spc:Nessuno.
2009-08-10 09:25:55,4, smsd: File mode creation mask: 00 (0666, rw-rw-rw-).
2009-08-10 09:25:55,2, smsd: Running in terminal mode.
2009-08-10 09:25:56,3, GSM1: Unexpected input: ^SYSSTART
2009-08-10 13:42:53,3, GSM1: Could not send character A, cause: Permission denied
2009-08-11 16:32:57,3, smsd: Done: regular_run (mainprocess), execution time 2 sec., status: 15
2009-08-11 16:32:57,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess is awaiting the termination of all modem handlers. PID: 4052.
2009-08-11 16:36:20,3, GSM1: Could not send character A, cause: Permission denied
2009-08-11 16:36:20,3, GSM1: Could not send character A, cause: Permission denied
2009-08-11 16:36:20,3, GSM1: Could not send character A, cause: Permission denied
2009-08-11 16:36:21,3, GSM1: Could not send character A, cause: Permission denied
2009-08-11 16:36:21,3, GSM1: Error: Unexpected answer from Modem after +CREG?, waiting 1 sec. before retrying
2009-08-11 16:36:21,2, GSM1: Modem handler 0 terminated. PID: 4536, was started 09-08-10 09:25:55.
2009-08-11 16:36:21,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess terminated. PID 4052, was started 09-08-10 09:25:55.
2009-08-11 16:38:30,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.5 started.
2009-08-11 16:38:30,2, smsd: Running as spc:Nessuno.
2009-08-11 16:38:31,4, smsd: File mode creation mask: 00 (0666, rw-rw-rw-).
2009-08-11 16:38:31,2, smsd: Running in terminal mode.
2009-08-11 16:38:33,3, GSM1: Unexpected input: ^SYSSTART
2009-08-11 16:46:58,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess is awaiting the termination of all modem handlers. PID: 5804.
2009-08-11 16:46:58,2, GSM1: Modem handler 0 terminated. PID: 5380, was started 09-08-11 16:38:32.
2009-08-11 16:46:58,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess terminated. PID 5804, was started 09-08-11 16:38:31.

Thanks, Andrea

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Is this the same setup as you got working about two months ago?

The account spc has no write permissions for a device. You probably have changed the account, as your setup worked before, right?

What says ls -l from your device?

May 2009
Location: Venezia, Italy
Topic owner
No, I don't have changed anything...

I begin to suspect that this is a fault in the usb modem.

My msd.conf:

# Falcom SAMBA 75

devices = GSM1

os_cygwin = yes

logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7

autosplit = yes
receive_before_send = yes

outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
report = /var/spool/sms/report
mypath = /usr/local/bin

date_filename = 2
keep_filename = no

eventhandler = /usr/local/bin/smsd_event

regular_run = /usr/local/bin/smsd_run
regular_run_interval = 60

device = /dev/com3
#pin = xxxx
smsc = 393492000200
init = AT+CPMS="MT","MT","MT"
mode = new
incoming = high
cs_convert = yes
report = no

Andrea :oops:

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
At least your port setting is correct as there was "GSM1: Unexpected input: ^SYSSTART" received. This means that module has entered in normal mode after turning it on.

Port can be opened and read, but writing gives "Permission denied". This message comes from the operating system. Usually this means that there are no write permissions set. I do not know how a faulty modem can cause this error, probably you could double-check permissions, it anything has still changed.

Testing communication with an another device is a good choice too, if it's possible.

May 2009
Location: Venezia, Italy
Topic owner
I have changed the modem with a well tested Nokia 6210 that work ok (many months now) in another system. But the error should re-happens.

The modem work ok for many hour and then re-happens:

An sms.log estract, the program seems hang after a timeout:

2009-08-14 13:41:07,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2009-08-14 13:41:07,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2009-08-14 13:41:07,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 0,1 OK
2009-08-14 13:41:07,6, GSM1: Modem is registered to the network
2009-08-14 13:41:08,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGS=98
2009-08-14 13:41:08,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2009-08-14 13:41:08,7, GSM1: <- >
2009-08-14 13:41:08,7, GSM1: -> PDU moved to Private
Hidden private text.

2009-08-14 13:41:09,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2009-08-14 13:41:50,6, smsd: Running a regular_run.
2009-08-14 13:41:50,7, smsd: Running regular_run (mainprocess): /usr/local/bin/smsd_run
2009-08-14 13:41:50,7, smsd: Done: regular_run (mainprocess), execution time 0 sec., status: 0
2009-08-14 13:42:16,7, GSM1: put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR), timeout occurred. 1.
2009-08-14 13:42:16,7, GSM1: <-
2009-08-14 13:42:16,3, GSM1: The modem did not answer (expected OK).
2009-08-14 13:42:16,5, GSM1: Waiting 10 sec. before retrying
2009-08-14 13:42:26,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2009-08-14 13:42:26,7, GSM1: -> AT
2009-08-14 13:42:26,3, GSM1: Could not send character A, cause: Permission denied
2009-08-14 13:42:36,7, GSM1: -> .
2009-08-14 13:42:50,6, smsd: Running a regular_run.
2009-08-14 13:42:50,7, smsd: Running regular_run (mainprocess): /usr/local/bin/smsd_run

The daemon stal and the log have indefinitely only these lines:

2009-08-25 04:28:01,6, smsd: Running a regular_run.
2009-08-25 04:28:01,7, smsd: Running regular_run (mainprocess): /usr/local/bin/smsd_run
2009-08-25 04:28:01,7, smsd: Done: regular_run (mainprocess), execution time 0 sec., status: 0

Andrea :shock:

« Last edit by keke on Wed Aug 26, 2009 16:26, 181 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Venezia, Italy
Topic owner
A precisation:

I use Cygwin running smsd 3.1.5 as a Windows service on a Windows Server 2003.


May 2009
Location: Venezia, Italy
Topic owner
on modeminit.c there is a new part in 3.1.5 version, might have to deal with the problem?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You are not running the changed part of a modem handling code, so it cannot be a reason for the failure.

The daemon stal and the log have indefinitely only these lines:

If GSM1 is completely stalled while trying again, it sounds like a serial port driver freezes. The error message "Permission denied" means that write permission is lost, but I have no idea what could be a reason for this. :(

Probably Windows has taken the port, are you sure that there are no any Windows processes existing which could do this?

When your modem was working ok for many hours, did it send any messages? Does this problem happen always after a PDU is sent to the modem?

In the Cygwin's side, there are no any other programs which may use the modem port, right? For example /usr/local/bin/smsd_run has nothing to do with the serial port?

May 2009
Location: Venezia, Italy
Topic owner
Hi Keke,

Probably Windows has taken the port, are you sure that there are no any Windows processes existing which could do this?

No, there aren't other processes wich uses serial ports...

The first modem (Falcom Samba) work on com3 port (via USB), the Nokia uses com1... I can try also com2...

In the Cygwin's side, there are no any other programs which may use the modem port, right? For example /usr/local/bin/smsd_run has nothing to do with the serial port?

No, smsd_run and event work only with database.

When your modem was working ok for many hours, did it send any messages? Does this problem happen always after a PDU is sent to the modem?

Can I send to you the logs via e-mail ?

Thanks for your attention Keke!


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
agorin wrote
Can I send to you the logs via e-mail ?

In this case you can send the logs via e-mail. I assume that you have lot of logged data which is of course useful to check. But I cannot promise that a solution will be found...

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