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Linefeed being added to end of message

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Author Post
Mar 2014
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Operating system name and version: Arch Linux ARM 3.13.7-1-ARCH
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: AUR -
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei U2801
Interface: USB

I have a message that has a UDH for Application Port Addressing. Everything works as expected except I get a linefeed added to the end of my message. Is there some way to remove the linefeed?

The message:

The PDU generated:

Mar 2014
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Topic owner
I found that by truncating the file by 1 byte, the linefeed is removed. Looks like the 'sendsms' script uses 'echo -n' to get around this.

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