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[answered] what's the mean of ERROR: 42 ?

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Author Post
Aug 2009
Location: China # ls
send_HU3955 send_Hy3437 send_Im3364 send_kS3668 send_mV3269 send_o15886 send_uf3275 send_uv3729 send_zW1637 # pwd
/var/spool/sms/failed # cat send_Im3364 #

what's the mean of error 42 ?

« Last edit by keke on Wed Aug 19, 2009 09:14, 181 months ago. »
Aug 2009
Location: China
Topic owner # date;ls -l|wc -l
Wed Aug 19 11:49:02 CST 2009
94 # ls
send_AA4199 send_G15740 send_K17292 send_Qw4016 send_W16116 send_g15936 send_n16669 send_s15356 send_y17243
send_B17756 send_G16496 send_L15948 send_R16178 send_W16944 send_g16310 send_p17382 send_s16950 send_y17249
send_C17818 send_G17037 send_L16490 send_S15305 send_Wb4384 send_gu4689 send_pr4976 send_s17155 send_yl4366
send_D15112 send_G17161 send_M16104 send_S16221 send_XK3998 send_h16328 send_pt4677 send_t15880 send_z16110
send_DU4317 send_H17694 send_MI4323 send_S16863 send_XO4096 send_h17043 send_q15930 send_v15299 send_z16190
send_F16122 send_HK4616 send_N15610 send_Sv4610 send_Z16839 send_h17167 send_q16316 send_v15892
send_F16227 send_I17031 send_O15362 send_T17255 send_Z17237 send_hX4028 send_qL4372 send_v15942
send_F16322 send_J15350 send_O16675 send_Ti4390 send_a17173 send_i17286 send_qj4108 send_vs4903
send_F16502 send_J16845 send_PA4915 send_V16484 send_cA4004 send_l17231 send_qp4022 send_x16663
send_F17049 send_K15898 send_QU4622 send_V16857 send_cy4114 send_mP4138 send_r16681 send_xv4665
send_FT4970 send_K16184 send_Qe4659 send_W15728 send_e16851 send_mh4090 send_rE4982 send_y15616 # cat send_K17292
To: 8613405179317

IP: # date;ls -l|wc -l
Wed Aug 19 11:59:31 CST 2009
94 #

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
CMS error 42 means "Congestion". The GSM network has been too busy to serve the short message.

You have had several failed messages, but messages shown in the later post were sent successfully?

First check the location of your modem and antenna to ensure that the signal level is good enough. If you still have lot of failed messages, you could try to use the SIM from some another operator.

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