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Common compiling error on smstools3-3.1.15.tar.gz

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Author Post
Jul 2013
Location: United States of America
I am trying to compile smstools3-3.1.15.tar.gz from source but I get these errors:

I thougth this topic is similar, so I tried adjusting the two lines as explained there, but I am now getting this other error:

Makefile:51: *** recipe commences before first target. Stop.

This was my code after editing:

Operating system name and version: Raspbian on raspberry Pi board
Version of smsd: smstools3-3.1.15.tar.gz
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere: downloaded latest source archive from site
Name and model of a modem / phone: none yet, I will test with Huawei K3765 dongle
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter: USB

Jul 2013
Location: United States of America
Topic owner
If anyone else has this problem, I fixed it by editing Makefile and adding one tab character before the "override" word, so it looks something like this:

Jun 2015
Location: Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Thanks, it helped

Jul 2013
Location: United States of America
Topic owner
Great :)

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