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SMSTools3 Community » Sample scripts / setups Bottom

Need a custom event handler script created

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Author Post
Feb 2015
Location: Fort Collins, CO, United States of America
I am happy to paypal someone for creating me a custom smsevent script to check the incoming txt file for its appropriate GSM designation then move the file to a directory for messages pertaining to that exact modem.

Can anyone assist here?

Apr 2015
Location: Upper Austria, Austria
Do you still need that script. Do you need that script on a Linux or Windows server?
I could help you with that.

Mar 2019
Location: Romania
SeriousEE wrote
Do you still need that script. Do you need that script on a Linux or Windows server?
I could help you with that.

Need help!

are you available?

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SMSTools3 Community » Sample scripts / setups Top

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