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[solved] Parity Bit

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Author Post
Aug 2009
Location: Germany
Hi Guys,

i have a Problem with my Insys GSM4.2 Modem.
I`ve installed SMSTools correctly and it works fine.
But i can not connect to my modem.
The default value for the Parity Bit is none, but i need a even parity bit for my modem.

So my question is if i can change it or isn`t it possible to change?

So far


Aug 2009
Location: Germany
Topic owner
Ok I solved the Problem.
I changed the settings of my modem.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for the information.

There is no way to change parity without changes to the source code.

I have to think if those settings could be included in the next version. However, it has been very unusual that other than default settings are needed.

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