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Update from 3.14 to 3.15: 3.14 still alive

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Author Post
May 2015
Location: Moenchengladbach, Germany
Operating system name and version: Raspberry PI, Raspbian
Version of smsd: 3.14, 3.15
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Vodafone ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter... USB-Port on Raspi

After working with V 3.14 for some months and experiencing problems with my Vodafone modem I wanted to Switch from V3.14 to V3.15.
I am sending an SMS every week on Monday to ensure that the link is ok.
I therefore disabled V3.14 with

and installed V 3.15 by compiling the source code.
This worked fine until last Sunday, 06:25 am when the SMS-Daemon of V 3.14 was automatically started again and sent SMSs itself alternating with V3.15.
Whoever was first was able to send the SMS.
My question: How do I finally disable/remove the old version V3.14 completely?
I understand the new is called sms3 while the old is smstools.
Are there any cronjobs - I didn't find any.
Thank you very much
F. Kuech

May 2015
Location: Moenchengladbach, Germany
Topic owner
I forgot to mention that I renamed all /etc/rcX.d-Startlinks to Kill-Links. (S -> K).

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