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Android wireless SMS with GSM Modem Emulator app

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Author Post
May 2015
Location: Sterling Heights, United States of America
Ubuntu 14.04:
Smsd v3.1.15:
Smsd installed from: package repository
HTC Liberty (Aria) cellphone running Android 2.3 (cyanogenmod):
Interface: "GSM Modem Emulator" by Diafaan from Google Play Store over wifi TCP/IP

I was hoping someone had tried sending SMS from their Android cellphone using the app "GSM Modem Emulator" by Diafaan and could share their conf file or tips to get it going with SMSTOOLS. has the details and they have an informative website as well.

It says it supports PDU mode only according to the documentation.

I'm able to use socat - TCP: and issue AT commands, but have no idea how to easily work with Linux and PDU mode.

Apr 2018
Location: NSW, Australia
Sending SMS works with SMS Server Tools version 3.1.21. Incoming does NOT work. I believe it requires line feed <lf> according to the modem emulator log.

Further testing required once version 3.1.23 is released as parameter “crlf = yes” should be supported in smsd.conf.

The other point, should network connectivity be lost to the modem emulator, smsd service terminates with “Modem handler 0 (WLAN1) terminated while mainprocess is still running. Exited, status 127”.
This is to be expected as smsd is unable communicate to the device. To overcome this cron script is necessary to monitor the service and restart if termination signal is received. – for now outside my scripting knowledge.

Here is the modem emulator log with SMS sent and received:

Here is my smsd.conf – remember, sending SMS is only supported.
Update the WLAN1 IP address and restart smsd service for changes to take effect.

I'm using SME Server 9.2 64 Bit VM (based on Centos 6) and have repackaged the RPM's to the lastest SMS Server Tools version 3.1.21.
Can share the RPM's if anyone is interested.

Apr 2018
Location: NSW, Australia
Some progress…

Resolved the lost of connectivity issue by using Alarm handler to catch the termination signal and cron restarting the service.

Next, incoming SMS problem; I know this has been asked before, Keke any chance of a beta release of 3.1.23?

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