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Custom Data Header

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Author Post
Jul 2014
Location: Sheffield, United Kingdom
OS: Debian 6
Version of smsd: latest
Smsd installed from: package repository
Modem: Nokia (Cant remember - can get it if required)
Interface: USB

This is more of a query than anything else..I have been using smstool3 for about 3years, al working fine and no issues.

Is it possible to create custom headers for SMS so that to the recipient the SMS will appear as if its from a Service rather than showing the number? Like you do when recieving from a Bank or other service.

eg: When recieving SMS on your phone the message shows it from: NO_REPLY or REMINDER
At the moment this shows as: +440011223344

Can you simply amend the custom header From attribute to show this?
When you do / or if you do and people respond - do you need some DNS style look up to know where the reply goes to?

I did a quick google but couldn't find much information hence the post!

Any guidance would be welcome!


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Alphabet sender is not possible. The number is fixed and the protocol does not allow to change it.

Jul 2014
Location: Sheffield, United Kingdom
Topic owner
Thanks for the response keke!
Its a shame but understandable! :|


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