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PDU Reading issue

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Author Post
Oct 2015
Location: Melbourne, Australia
It appears that I can receive, however the PDU's are listed as "Offhook", the modem is definitely in PDU mode, however the 'offhook' signal appears to be occurring where SMSTools expects the PDU to start.

This is a PSTN modem with a GSM command stack.

Any thoughts?

Error: Cannot decode PDU, see text part for details.
Received: 15-10-06 23:07:45
Subject: GSM1
Modem: GSM1
Report: no
Alphabet: ISO
Length: 535
PDU: Offhook
Pos: ^^~here(1)

First tried with PDU mode new (with CSA):
PDU ERROR: Position 1,2: While reading first octet: invalid character(s) in string

Next tried with PDU mode old (without CSA):
PDU ERROR: Position 1,2: While reading First octet of the SMS-DELIVER PDU: invalid character(s) in string

No success. This PDU cannot be decoded. There is something wrong.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Perhaps there are some other ways to list messages, I do not know and I'm unable to test this kind of modem. PDU is required, plain text is also not enough. If there is no way to get PDU's, this modem cannot be used without additions to the smsd code.

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