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Does the modem strike after updates

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Author Post
Sep 2015
Location: Vienna, Austria
Operating system name and version: OPENSUSE 13.2
Version of smsd: latest
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: MA260 TP-LINK
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter...

got problem with modem these days

after :
GSM1: Using check_memory_method 1: CPMS is used.
GSM1: Modem is not ready to answer commands (Timeouts: 0)

comes timeout ...modem not ready .... has anyone some idea
still not sending and recieving :shock:

Sep 2015
Location: Vienna, Austria
Topic owner
got nobody some idea why the timeout rise after initialing

and not going ready status

Sep 2015
Location: Vienna, Austria
Topic owner
Modem was initialed By Kernel with a Desktop Service for gsm Modems

No more Problem

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