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MC75 - problem with setup

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Author Post
Feb 2015
Location: Poland
Operating system name and version:
Suse (Zabbix apliance)

Version of smsd:
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter...


I need help with Siemens MC75 serial modem.

Some AT answers:
Opening device /dev/ttyS0




devices = GSM1
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7

device = /dev/ttyS0
incoming = no
outgoing = yes
smsc = 48601000380

But I'm unable to send sms from CLI by typing smsd 48123321 'Hello'. Before this command I stopped smsd service becasue of running duplicate processes..

some logs:

2015-11-03 19:07:25,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2015-11-03 19:07:25,7, GSM1: -> AT
2015-11-03 19:07:25,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:26,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-03 19:07:26,6, GSM1: Pre-initializing modem
2015-11-03 19:07:26,7, GSM1: -> ATE0+CMEE=1;+CREG=2
2015-11-03 19:07:26,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:26,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-03 19:07:26,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2015-11-03 19:07:26,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:27,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 25,0 OK
2015-11-03 19:07:27,6, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (25,0) -63 dBm (Excellent), Bit Error Rate: less than 0.2 %
2015-11-03 19:07:27,6, GSM1: Checking if Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-03 19:07:27,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2015-11-03 19:07:27,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:27,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,1,"53FC","645B" OK
2015-11-03 19:07:27,6, GSM1: Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-03 19:07:27,6, GSM1: Selecting PDU mode
2015-11-03 19:07:27,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGF=0
2015-11-03 19:07:27,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:28,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-03 19:07:28,6, GSM1: Changing SMSC
2015-11-03 19:07:28,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSCA="+48601000380"
2015-11-03 19:07:28,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:28,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-03 19:07:28,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGS=37
2015-11-03 19:07:28,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:29,7, GSM1: <- >
2015-11-03 19:07:29,7, GSM1: -> 0011000B918406437670F10010FF1AC8329BFD064DE96573D8CD02A1DF7750585E06E5DFF51F.
2015-11-03 19:07:29,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-03 19:07:32,7, GSM1: <- +CMS ERROR: 535
2015-11-03 19:07:32,3, GSM1: The modem answer was not OK: +CMS ERROR: 535
2015-11-03 19:07:32,4, GSM1: Sending SMS to 48600123321 failed, trying time 40 sec. Retries: 2.
2015-11-03 19:07:32,6, GSM1: Deleted file /var/spool/sms/checked/send
2015-11-03 19:10:43,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess is awaiting the termination of all modem handlers. PID: 10961.
2015-11-03 19:10:43,2, GSM1: Modem handler 0 terminated. PID: 10962, was started 15-11-03 18:59:51.
2015-11-03 19:10:43,2, smsd: Smsd mainprocess terminated. PID 10961, was started 15-11-03 18:59:51.
2015-11-03 19:11:04,2, smsd: Smsd v3.1.15 started.

and silly question ... how to send sms if smsd is a service?

Help me please


Feb 2015
Location: Poland
Topic owner
and some AT command:

+CSCA: "+48601000380",145

> hello hello

so lets try with:

> hello helllo
+CMGW: 3

As You can see I send 3 messages but noone arrived to my number

How to troubleshoot it further?


Feb 2015
Location: Poland
Topic owner
I readed much post on this forum googled ... but still can sens SMS (I can recieve SMS)

Could someone tell me how to properly initialize my modem?

2015-11-05 13:21:18,7, GSM1: <- +CPIN: READY OK
2015-11-05 13:21:18,6, GSM1: Initializing modem
2015-11-05 13:21:18,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMEE=1
2015-11-05 13:21:18,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:19,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:19,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2015-11-05 13:21:19,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:19,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 21,7 OK
2015-11-05 13:21:19,6, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (21,7) -71 dBm (Excellent), Bit Error Rate: more than 12.8 %
2015-11-05 13:21:19,6, GSM1: Checking if Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-05 13:21:19,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2015-11-05 13:21:19,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:20,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,1,"53FC","5BD8" OK
2015-11-05 13:21:20,6, GSM1: Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-05 13:21:20,6, GSM1: Location area code: 53FC, Cell ID: 5BD8
2015-11-05 13:21:20,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2015-11-05 13:21:20,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:20,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 21,7 OK
2015-11-05 13:21:20,6, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (21,7) -71 dBm (Excellent), Bit Error Rate: more than 12.8 %
2015-11-05 13:21:20,6, GSM1: Selecting PDU mode
2015-11-05 13:21:20,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGF=0
2015-11-05 13:21:20,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:21,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:21,7, GSM1: -> AT+CIMI
2015-11-05 13:21:21,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:21,7, GSM1: <- 260011200620560 OK
2015-11-05 13:21:21,7, GSM1: -> AT+CGSN
2015-11-05 13:21:21,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:22,7, GSM1: <- 357247010575260 OK
2015-11-05 13:21:22,5, GSM1: CGSN: 357247010575260
2015-11-05 13:21:22,5, GSM1: IMSI: 260011200620560
2015-11-05 13:21:22,6, GSM1: Checking if reading of messages is supported
2015-11-05 13:21:22,7, GSM1: -> AT+CPMS?
2015-11-05 13:21:22,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:22,7, GSM1: <- +CPMS: "ME",0,25,"ME",0,25,"MT",0,45 OK
2015-11-05 13:21:22,6, GSM1: Checking memory size
2015-11-05 13:21:22,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGL=4
2015-11-05 13:21:22,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:23,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:23,6, GSM1: Used memory is 0
2015-11-05 13:21:23,6, GSM1: No SMS received
2015-11-05 13:21:23,6, GSM1: I have to send 1 short message for /var/spool/sms/checked/send_v1BCXs
2015-11-05 13:21:23,6, GSM1: Checking device for incoming SMS
2015-11-05 13:21:23,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2015-11-05 13:21:23,7, GSM1: -> AT
2015-11-05 13:21:23,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:23,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:23,6, GSM1: Pre-initializing modem
2015-11-05 13:21:23,7, GSM1: -> ATE0+CMEE=1;+CREG=2
2015-11-05 13:21:23,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:24,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:24,6, GSM1: Initializing modem
2015-11-05 13:21:24,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMEE=1
2015-11-05 13:21:24,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:24,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:24,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2015-11-05 13:21:24,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:25,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 21,7 OK
2015-11-05 13:21:25,6, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (21,7) -71 dBm (Excellent), Bit Error Rate: more than 12.8 %
2015-11-05 13:21:25,6, GSM1: Checking if Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-05 13:21:25,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2015-11-05 13:21:25,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:25,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,1,"53FC","5BD8" OK
2015-11-05 13:21:25,6, GSM1: Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-05 13:21:25,6, GSM1: Selecting PDU mode
2015-11-05 13:21:25,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGF=0
2015-11-05 13:21:25,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:26,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:26,6, GSM1: Checking memory size
2015-11-05 13:21:26,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGL=4
2015-11-05 13:21:26,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:26,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:26,6, GSM1: Used memory is 0
2015-11-05 13:21:26,6, GSM1: No SMS received
2015-11-05 13:21:26,6, GSM1: Sending SMS from to 603467xxx
2015-11-05 13:21:26,6, GSM1: Checking if modem is ready
2015-11-05 13:21:26,7, GSM1: -> AT
2015-11-05 13:21:26,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:27,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:27,6, GSM1: Pre-initializing modem
2015-11-05 13:21:27,7, GSM1: -> ATE0+CMEE=1;+CREG=2
2015-11-05 13:21:27,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:27,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:27,6, GSM1: Initializing modem
2015-11-05 13:21:27,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMEE=1
2015-11-05 13:21:27,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:28,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:28,7, GSM1: -> AT+CSQ
2015-11-05 13:21:28,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:28,7, GSM1: <- +CSQ: 21,7 OK
2015-11-05 13:21:28,6, GSM1: Signal Strength Indicator: (21,7) -71 dBm (Excellent), Bit Error Rate: more than 12.8 %
2015-11-05 13:21:28,6, GSM1: Checking if Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-05 13:21:28,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2015-11-05 13:21:28,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:29,7, GSM1: <- +CREG: 2,1,"53FC","5BD8" OK
2015-11-05 13:21:29,6, GSM1: Modem is registered to the network
2015-11-05 13:21:29,6, GSM1: Selecting PDU mode
2015-11-05 13:21:29,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGF=0
2015-11-05 13:21:29,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:29,7, GSM1: <- OK
2015-11-05 13:21:29,7, GSM1: -> AT+CMGS=27
2015-11-05 13:21:29,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:30,7, GSM1: <- >
2015-11-05 13:21:30,7, GSM1: -> 003100099106437680F80000FF0FF4F29C0E9AB7E7A0293B7C2FAF01
2015-11-05 13:21:30,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2015-11-05 13:21:33,7, GSM1: <- +CMS ERROR: 535
2015-11-05 13:21:33,3, GSM1: The modem answer was not OK: +CMS ERROR: 535
2015-11-05 13:21:33,5, GSM1: Waiting 10 sec. before retrying

my smsd.conf looks like:

devices = GSM1
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
loglevel = 7
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
logfile = /var/log/smsd.log
#infofile = /var/run/smstools/smsd.working
#pidfile = /var/run/smstools/
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
#stats = /var/log/smstools/smsd_stats
receive_before_send = yes
autosplit = 3

init = AT+CMEE=1

#init = AT+CPMS="ME","ME","MT"
#init2 = AT+CNMI=1,1,0,2
#init = ATE0+CPMS="SM"+CNMI=2,0,0,2,1
device = /dev/ttyS0

incoming = yes
baudrate = 115200
rtscts = yes
check_memory_method = 31
report = yes
mode = new
cs_convert = yes
report = yes
memory_start = 1
adminmessage_limit = 5
adminmessage_count_clear = 720
#number = 0000000000
#smsc = 48603000310
#failed = /var/spool/sms/failed

I tryed many config in smsd.conf but there is something that I still missed.
My modem on box has name "Netcom ES75 Terminal"


Feb 2015
Location: Poland
Topic owner

Finally I solved my problem...
Problem was two smsc on SIM card
When I played with sms tools by mistake I puted wrong SMSC number and this number was on SIM saved automatically by SMS server.

WHen I took SIM card from modem and puted to Nokia 6310 I discovered that I have two sms centers defined. So I deleted wrong one and doublechecked in smsd.conf that I have correct one. Now everthing is OK with sending SMS.


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