Operating system name and version: Centos 6.5
Version of smsd: 3.15
Smsd installed from: package repository.
Name and model of a modem / phone: Moxabox
Interface: serial


we are using smstools to send out sms messages for our monitoring system based on op5 in our enterprise solution.
We have implemented now a new check which will check whether a sent sms has received a delivery report in our folder /var/spool/sms/report.

If it does, we move the sent sms and report to a folder delivered. If it doesn't find a report, the sent file stays put and after a few minutes the check will alarm that there has been a sent message in the folder for which we didn't receive a delivery report.

The matching happens on the string "Message_id: 56" for example which is included in both the sent message as the delivery report.

This works perfectly ... for messages composed out of ONE message.

Problem is that if we sent a message with more than 155 character (thus composed out of more messages) we have one sent message in sent folder with line e.g. "Message_id: 56"

but we receive TWO delivery reports for each part of the composed message with the following lines in each
Delivery report 1 :"Message_id: 55"
Delivery report 1 :"Message_id: 56"

So the last report we can match, but the first delivery report we can't possibly match based on "Message_id" and will always generate an alert in our new check.
Is there a way to only get ONE delivery report instead of multiple?

Thanks in advance !

« Last edit by infanal on Fri Dec 11, 2015 08:21, 105 months ago. »