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Root user requirement to run smsd

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Author Post
Oct 2015
Location: Salt Lake City Utah, United States of America
Operating system name and version: Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon 64 Bit
Version of smsd: Latest
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Wavecom Fastrack
Interface: USB
Hi All

I am having problems activating smsd automatically at boot up.
However, there is no operator keyboard input allowed, so cannot type in password.

Why is SMSD installing so it requires root user privileges ??
How can I get SMSD to start automatically.

I am new to Linux, but learning fast.


Oct 2015
Location: Salt Lake City Utah, United States of America
Topic owner
Hi All

I have totally uninstalled and re-installed as per instructions on this site,however when I go to
follow instructions to allow "Running smsd as an unpriviledged user" certain files are not installed.
For example:

INFOFILE smsd.working
Searching the whole disk for them finds no results.

Considering this, how am I going to be able to start smsd at bootup or via a script.?
Setting the correct user and group still does not allow the other user.

Note that when I logon as root, it all works perfectly.



Oct 2015
Location: Salt Lake City Utah, United States of America
Topic owner
Hi All

Well I may as well keep emailing myself.??? or perhaps help others with similar problems.

Discovered the way to start smsd as root from a script or within my application.

Then I had to change permissions on the /var/spool/sms/outgoing to allow my application to copy files there.

The next problem is a Linux Mint problem where I want to make sure that the correct usb port
is addressed automatically. I can't simply set ttyUSB0 or 1 as it changes between boots.
Editing the .rules file with a SYMLINK simply does not work.
I have tried dozens of suggestions.
BUT, discovered that Mint creates it's own SYMLINK when it detects a device connected to the usb port.
The thing is that in my code I can do a VERY long path and name to open a port, but smsd is objecting to this.

Can someone tell me what the string length limit is for device ??



Oct 2015
Location: Salt Lake City Utah, United States of America
Topic owner
Hi All

I did solve the problem, but I have writers cramp, so if anyone is interested, here is the link.

and if you are REALLY interested in HOW I got there:


« Last edit by Dinosaur on Sun Jan 03, 2016 17:02, 104 months ago. »

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