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[solved] Can not receive messages (Ericsson F3507g)

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Author Post
Aug 2009
Location: Turkey

I have a Ericsson F3507g modem. I have no problem sending messages but it seems that despite the modem receives the messages, smstools can not read them. I tried different settings in the configuration file for the parameter check_memory_method with no luck.

Some help would be appreciated.

Aug 2009
Location: Turkey
Topic owner
nevermind, i fixed it by a clue which I seem to have ignored before in the FAQ

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Good. 8)

You now have a working init script for Ericsson F3507g, right? Can you show the string as it might be helpful for other users?

Aug 2009
Location: Turkey
Topic owner
You have to first turn the modem on, otherwise it wont work. This is achieved by adding:

init = AT+CFUN=1

In order to reach your messages, you must add this to your config as well:

init2 = AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME"

Otherwise, you cant read the stored messages.

Kind regards

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