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[answered] regular_run script and *101# command answer to database. Is it possible?

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Aug 2009
Location: Poznan, Poland
I was wondering is it possible, to as a modem a query "*101#" which will check status of prepaid card.
Of course it's possible and I have found a perfect solution for this on this forum.

But I stuck on a different problem, I would like to store this answer to dataase. I tried to look inside of scripts/regular_run script, but it is working on files only and I don't know how can I ask modem through command line to get answer for my "*101#" question?

When I use regular_run_cmd = ATDT*101# answer is in regular_run_statfile for reading once, then this file is deleted in the "next loop".

I can see that when I try to use regular_run, regular_run_cmd is skiped, so I can't ask for this file content every loop.

My smsd.conf (part with modem config):

My (very simple to check can I grab the contents of a answer file):
DATE=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
ANSWER=`cat /var/log/smsd_regular_run_answer.log`

echo $DATE $ANSWER >> /tmp/tmp111

'bash' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

After starting I get this piece of log:

Maby there's another way to grab answer and put this file into database?


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Thanks for your report.

The regular_run script can be used to communicate with a modem because a modem port is close while running this script. However, I do not recommend this kind of usage, especially if you are not very familiar with some command line terminal interface.

The regular_run_statfile is deleted on every loop because this file should contain the latest information, or nothing if there was no commands to run.

Your script ( could check if the file exists, like:

If you can change and compile the source code of smsd, we can make this functionality much better: Currently regular_run is executed first. There usually is regular_run_statfile available while running regular_run, but it's from the previous run. With a small change to the code, we can get a better execution order: regular_run_cmdfile first, then regular_run_cmd's and regular_run script last. You still have to check the existence of a statfile, but when it's available, it's content is fresh.

# diff -pu6 smsd.c smsd_changed.c

Hopefully you can make and test this change. I will include this change in the next version, but it's not known when the next version is released. Probably not very soon...

Any comments and feedback are welcome (as usual ;)).

Aug 2009
Location: Poznan, Poland
Topic owner
I will try to change this code... but I'm a little afraid of this ;-)

I'll let you know when I do that. But first I have to find out how to use this diff file ;-)


PS Can you give me an example how to ask modem in this file to answer for this "ATDT*101#" ?
I have no idea how to do that. I was looking for example on this forum but no results where found.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
mikolajj wrote
I will try to change this code... but I'm a little afraid of this ;-)

I'll let you know when I do that. But first I have to find out how to use this diff file ;-)

Actually, do not apply that previous batch...

Like said, it changes the script regular_run to be executed last, but it's not enough. That script can be used to create commands for regular_run_cmdfile and therefore it should be executed first too.

Here is a new patch for version 3.1.5. The script is executed twice, first time with an argument PRE_RUN. During this run, the script can create commands to regular_run_cmdfile. Next all cmd's are executed and last the script is executed with an argument POST_RUN. During this run, the script can examine regular_run_statfile and make some actions required.

This patch can be applied to the original 3.1.5 smsd.c using the following command (running in src directory):
patch < /tmp/patchfile

diff -u smsd.c smsd_changed.c > /tmp/patchfile

mikolajj wrote
PS Can you give me an example how to ask modem in this file to answer for this "ATDT*101#" ?
I have no idea how to do that. I was looking for example on this forum but no results where found.

With this new patch you can use the like:

Aug 2009
Location: Poznan, Poland
Topic owner
Hurrayyy ;-)

It's working ;-)


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Good. :)

Thanks for the information. This change will be included in the next version. Probably a new setting should be used to keep this feature backward compatible.

Currently it may take up to three months until the next version is released.

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