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SMS harwdare recommendation

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Author Post
Mar 2016
Location: Germany

can anyone recommend a GSM Modem that can utilise multiple SIMcards for sending SMS via a number of providers and also for it to be connected standalone via ethernet, instead of some serial connection?

Thanks in advance,

Mar 2016
Location: United States of America
dym, this may be not what you are looking for but i just bought a FoxBox GT Gateway from
it may be more than you what to pay but it does have what you are looking for. it is also based on this code and then has a bunch of php wrappers. I am pretty sure it is running on a raspberry ( i do know it is running debian wheezy)
there are a couple of cavets.
1) the doc is really really bad
2) the php wrapper code is amateuristic
3) the support is really bad

but so far the hardware seems to work, and the php is a good place to start and replace.


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