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multi-character character constant

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Author Post
Sep 2013
Location: Cebu, Philippines
i'm trying to add some fixes to smsd.c and then rebuild it, but compiler gives me this error:

i found out that originally file smsd.c is not in unicode and stated line has this:

now what should i do about it?

« Last edit by dive on Thu Mar 24, 2016 05:36, 101 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
In the next version the change is:

What kind of fixes you are adding?

Sep 2013
Location: Cebu, Philippines
Topic owner
we have quite big pool and we use prepaid sim-cards with unli-txt promo, but only bound to home network. sometimes they get blocked or have to be pulled out or replaced for some reason. so i need to inform my web backend about these changes asap.

i want to run eventhandler with new event "IMSI" which has 2 arguments: modem name and IMSI value itself.

how about putting it all on github?

Sep 2013
Location: Cebu, Philippines
Topic owner
i managed to call eventhandler in modeminit.c, right after IMSI is received, but somehow it gives me errors:

2016-03-28 18:01:08,3, GSM20: Done: eventhandler, execution time 0 sec., status: 32512 (127)
2016-03-28 18:01:08,3, GSM20: Exec: eventhandler encountered errors:
2016-03-28 18:01:08,3, GSM20: ! sh: Running: command not found
2016-03-28 18:01:08,3, GSM1: Done: eventhandler, execution time 0 sec., status: 32512 (127)
2016-03-28 18:01:08,3, GSM1: Exec: eventhandler encountered errors:
2016-03-28 18:01:08,3, GSM1: ! sh: Running: command not found

here's how i'm doing it. around line #1606 of modeminit.c:

my_system() is defined in extras.c and it's exactly same function which runs eventhandler on SENT/FAILED/RECEIVED events. so it works fine for those events, but not for my custom IMSI. no idea what causes this "command not found" error..

eventhandler is defined in /etc/smsd.conf like this:

eventhandler = /usr/local/bin/yii-sms/protected/commands/shell/

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