Debian Wheezy (Raspberry):
Version of smsd:
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone:
Interface: serial / USB / some adapter...
Hi All,
I am using different UMTS modem sticks from various suppliers which are demanding different /dev/ttyUSB* for SMS-connect. Until now I am manually adjusting the configuration file smsd.conf.
I strongly assume, that the different sections [GSM1], [GSM2], ... can be assigned to different Hardware modems, but how / where is the assignment done?
Or is it possible to provide different smsd.conf - files which can be selected and assigend automatically to the specific modem (via usb_modswitch ???).
Or am I totally mistaken: Do I need to set up queues first which I need to assign to the specific IMSI of the SIM-cards ? That would mean any new SIM-card has to be manually adjusted in the configuration file before usage. I would prefer different Modemsticks (~ 5 types) which automatically after plugin will be assigned the appropriate type settings.
I appologize for this newbie question - any help ist pretty much appreciated!
Best regards, thanks in advance!