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CentOS 7 SELinux: permission denied

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Author Post
Apr 2016
Location: Slovak Republic
Operating system name and version: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
Version of smsd: smstools-3.1.15-12.el7
Smsd installed from: package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: Nokia C5-00
Interface: USB

Problem: GNOKII can open /dev/ttyACM0 but smstools cannot.

All commands executed as root.

SELinux enabled

SELinux is not complaining...

SMS Server Tools has problem opening /dev/ttyACM0

SELinux context of ACM0 device

SELinux context of sms daemon

User smstools is member of dialout group

ACM kernel module is loaded

GNOKII has no problems... (I also am able to send SMS using gnokii command)

SELinux disabled

Now it seems that SMS Server Tools is able to open /dev/ttyACM0

But it fails again

GNOKII has no problem with sending SMS

Result: GNOKII is able to send SMS whether SELinux is enabled or not. SMS Server Tools is not able under any circumstances.

Note: somehow I was able to spot a problem with SMS Server Tools and SELinux, but it did not help a thing!

Apr 2016
Location: Slovak Republic
Topic owner
Finally it's working.

I had to disable SELinux because I was unable to find failing operations via ausearch command - SMS tools was still complaining about permission denied on /dev/ttyACM0.
And I had to use from this site because the one which is packaged with RPM is interactive version.

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