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Delivery reports from SMSC, too much information

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Aug 2016
Location: Mount Pleasant SC, United States of America
Operating system name and version: Ubuntu 14.04
Version of smsd: 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: repo
Name and model of a modem / phone: Wavecom 4x modems in Q24plus box
Interface: USB

I had two bespoke modems on our sms server using smstools and playsms. I replaced the modems with a q24plus 4-gang.

I've gotten everything working fine, but where the old modems would simply post a single line for the delivery report like this:

now I get this:

Here is a sample of my modems config (there are 4, all same config):

I've tried all kinds of variations for the +CNMI settings

I need the delivery report for metrics in Playsms.
I still get the needed lines but I also get all the rest of that stuff I don't want clogging up my logs.

Any ideas?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You have a dot at the end of init string. It may affect the interpretation of CNMI setting.

If there is no way to get status reports stored, you can use the setting for a modem:

using_routed_status_report = yes

With this setting only single line is logged with loglevel 6 (info). If you are using loglevel 5 (notice), no lines are logged.

Aug 2016
Location: Mount Pleasant SC, United States of America
Topic owner
No, that was just from the copy-paste from mc.

All I want is this:
2016-08-15 06:33:37,5, GSM2: SMS received (report, Message_id: 84, Status: 0,Ok,short message received by the SME), From: 1404432xxxx

Not the rest of the stuff. My log level is 5

I don't want the reports stored, just logged as above so that playsms will mark the sms as received by the SMSC.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Did you try the setting using_routed_status_report = yes?

With this setting your system should work as before, I assume.

Aug 2016
Location: Mount Pleasant SC, United States of America
Topic owner
It's looking better now. I am getting a couple of saved text notifications in the logs but I don't know if they are related to SMSC delivery reports.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Please show those unwanted lines so that I can check out what they are related.

I assume that with your old modem you did not get those lines, right?

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