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Send sms with 64 port gms

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Author Post
Aug 2016
Location: Tehran, Iran
Operating system name and version: ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64
Version of smsd: 3.1.16 & 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: multi port gsm modem
Interface: USB

i am useing smstools with multi port device (64 port) but the send rate is very low.
it is about 27 per minutes.
do you have any suggestions?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Are you using 64 GSM modules with that multi port device? Some information about that device and configuration might be useful.

Speed of sending depends mainly on the GSM network. Typical sending time is from about 2-3 seconds to about 10-12 seconds per single message. It also depends on the length on the message.

From the smsd.log you can see how much it takes to send single message. What is the value? (look "SMS sent, ..., sending time).

Aug 2016
Location: Tehran, Iran
Topic owner
send rate in about 10-12 per minutes per gsm with same modules with 16 port device.
but in 64 port device it send 1 msg in 2-3 minutes.

Aug 2016
Location: Tehran, Iran
Topic owner
i found out my problem was because of validity period time.
i think by decreasing the validity period time my problem will solve.
i will tell you guys the result.

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