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Wavecom WMOD2 - alternative ?

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Sep 2016
Location: Poland
Hi All

I've got a question about modem, that is working with this SMSTool. Currently we are Wavecom WMOD2 but we need to replace it.
Funcionality, that we need is:
- sending SMS
- making a voicecalls (in some critical cases modem makes a call to specified number)
- receiving phonecalls (in this case modem switches this phonecall to specified number)

Could you please advise, which device should I use ?
I was thinking about ConiuGo GPRS GSM Quadband Modem LAN.

Or maybe you'll have some other modems, that could be used.

Thank's for all advices.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
ConiuGo GPRS GSM Quadband Modem LAN can be used. Call deflection (AT+CTFR) did not work with my SIM, but it seems that the command exists and it may work with another operator/country. However, you can define permanent call forwarding with subscription management of the SIM.

How did you switch the phonecalls with Wavecom WMOD2? And do you need to change the destination number very often, or automatically?

Sep 2016
Location: Poland
Topic owner

Thanks for info.
I spoke with ConiuGo seller and he told that I can't make voicecalls. I wrote to the producer's technical support and I'm waiting for answer.

Destination number is changing automatically. This is a script that is resposible for it.
At defined hours (3 times a day) system sends a command to modem (AT+CCFC=0,3,"phone_number"). This AT command change modem settings and forwards all incoming calls to specified phone number.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Call forwarding with AT+CCFC works fine with this device, I just tested it.

Voicecalls can be made, but there is no external audio interface available. SMSTools3 can initiate voicecall and recipient can see that the server is calling. This is enough in many cases. If the call is answered, Smstools plays some DTMF tones which are defined in the message file. With those tones server can identify the issue, if necessary.

There may be different versions of the modem available, for clarity my test device is from wireless netcontrol GmbH. The device is LAN version of GPRS Modem which is listed on this page.

Sep 2016
Location: Poland
Topic owner
Super :)

This is what I was looking for. I need this functionality, that you described - that "server is calling" It is needed in very urgent situations, when we need to notify about important alarms. Instead of sending SMS modem makes a call and receipient can reject it but he knows that something happened.

Thanks for your help :)

« Last edit by keke on Sun Sep 18, 2016 16:00, 95 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
When searching this device by name, some page (diafaan) said that there is "Motorola G24 GSM modem module" inside it. Product codes on conrad are different than mine, and there is not mentioned what module is inside. AT command manual should tell it, but I did not find that manual.

Product code of my device is 700400170S and there is Telit module inside. It is identified as model GL865-QUAD-V3 revision 16.01.141. It also seems that it's the most current version.

Of course any modem should work well with SMSTools3, but with this device all tests are done with Telit version. Therefore 700400170S is a good choice.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
In a little more, in a datasheet of 700100420 there is mentioned "Motorola AT- Befehlssatz". So that device is remarkably different than mine 700400170S.

Because that older device is no more listed on the manufacturers page, and also some of it's documents were disappeared, I removed the link from your post. New users should preferably choose the latest version 700400170S.

Sep 2016
Location: Poland
Topic owner

Could you please share your modem settings (from smsd.conf) ? I've connected ConiuGo modem to my network, AT commands works OK, but I have some problems with SMS Tools configuration. It stopped sending SMS with new modem. On my old modem (Huawei E1752C) it worked fine.
Thanks in advance.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
My config has nothing which affects sending:

device = @
telnet_password_prompt = Password ?
telnet_password = my_password
init = AT+CNMI=0,0,0,2,0
incoming = yes
check_memory_method = 2
hangup_incoming_call = yes
voicecall_clcc = yes
report_device_details = yes
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

Please use the setting report_device_details = yes and show the details here. Also use loglevel = 7 and show here the log when message is tried to send.

Sep 2016
Location: Poland
Topic owner

When I put your configuration I got this error:

2016-10-10 15:20:32,7, GSM1: -> AT+CREG?
2016-10-10 15:20:32,7, GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer
2016-10-10 15:20:33,7, GSM1: Telnet: Got SB for 44 (0x2C), ignoring.
2016-10-10 15:20:33,7, GSM1: Telnet: Got SE, ignoring.
2016-10-10 15:20:33,7, GSM1: <- ` +CREG: 2,1,"CBE9","7B9E" OK

When I insert this parameter:
it is OK now. SMS sending works fine :)

Now I need to test other functionality.

Thanks for your help.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You should upgrade smsd to 3.1.16beta.

Sep 2016
Location: Poland
Topic owner

Sorry for long break.
I have installed it and everything works fine, so far :)

I have one another question. Is there a possibility, to connect to this ConiuGo modem from 2 different SMSTools servers ?
Maybe you have tested it ?


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