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[solved] Compiling with smaller modem number

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Author Post
Feb 2016
Location: Teramo, Italy
Operating system name and version: RHEL 6.8
Version of smsd: 3.1.16beta / 3.1.15
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: Telit modem GT863-PY
Interface: serial with Digi Portserver II

Hi all,

I was wondering if compiling with the exact setup size (not the default NUMBER_OF_MODEMS=64, let's assume 8 or 16, so a smaller setup size) will increase the global system performance, reduce the load or both or wathever else.

Any answer is appreciated

Thanks everybody


Feb 2016
Location: Teramo, Italy
Topic owner
Nothing at all. Same performance and workload.

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