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Samsung flip cellphone USB modem challenge

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Author Post
Nov 2016
Location: Quebec, Canada
Operating system name and version: Centos 6
Version of smsd:3.1.5
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository / from elsewhere...
Name and model of a modem / phone: Samsung flip phone
Interface: USB


I'm trying to figure out if I can use our "old" samsung flip cellphone for SMSTOOLS.

Seem like smstool is having a hard time to communicate with the modem itself.

Here's the log:

and the config:

If you have any tips, they are welcomed.


May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Modem stops answering after the command AT+CMGF=0. If this always happens when retrying, I think that nothing can be done.

To make sure, you could try communication with Minicom. If AT gets OK, and AT+CMGF=0 causes freezing the same way, the phone is broken or incompatible. Perhaps PDU mode is not supported.

Nov 2016
Location: Quebec, Canada
Topic owner
Followed those instructions since I am not very familiar with the commands

Keep crashing, like you said.

So I guess I will just buy a Wavecom Q24Plus on ebay, since I think this model work pretty well with the tool?

Thank for the prompt reply!

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