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Customize the SMS sender (name of the structure)

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Author Post
Jan 2015
Location: Bobo-Dioulasso, Hauts-Bassins, Burkina Faso
Operating system name and version: Windows Seven ultimate 64
Version of smsd:3.1.16
Name and model of a modem / phone: Huawei E226
Interface: USB

Hello everyone,
Please, has anyone ever managed to send sms with personalization of the sender instead of the number? The name appears instead of the sender's phone number.
I use the latest version of SMS Tools 3.1.16.
Is it possible? I need help please.
Thank you for your help

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Personalization requires direct IP connection to service center, and smstools3 does not support it. With modems and phones sender's number cannot be changed.

Jan 2015
Location: Bobo-Dioulasso, Hauts-Bassins, Burkina Faso
Topic owner
Thanks @keke for your answer.

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