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Please recommend 3g modem Ukraine

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Author Post
Dec 2016
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Operating system name and version: Debian 8 and Windows server 2008
Version of smsd: last good
Smsd installed from: sources / package repository
Name and model of a modem / phone: need recommendation
Interface: USB only

Hi all! please recommend me a modem thats work fine for incoming and outgoing sms. Want configure a server monitoring via smstools.
Now i have a ZTE MF100 already configured on Debian 8, it lost signal sometimes, sometimes just write to log: "MODEM IS NOT REGISTERED, WAITING 1 SEC. BEFORE RETRYING 5. TIME"
And i need configure some windows servers
What 3g modem are you recommend to buy?

Aug 2009
Location: Belgium
I've successfully used Huawei dongles K3765, K3565-Z and K3565 Rev 2, the last one being my current "production" (1) device since more than one year.

(1) 500 out, 1000 in per month

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