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TCP connection losses on POST_RUN

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Author Post
Jan 2017
Location: Germany
Operating system name and version: Debian Jessie
Version of smsd: v3.1.16beta
Smsd installed from: I am not sure
Name and model of a modem / phone: 2n VoiceBlue Next
Interface: ethernet (telnet port 23)


we use an adjusted version of your script ( to get the balance and send AT commands to the modem.
But now I have the problem that smsd disconnect and reconnect to the modem on every POST_RUN (each 5 seconds). And sometimes smsd cant reconnect to the modem because the modem reset the slot. That needs only few seconds but smsd has lost the tcp connection.

Is it possible to run POST_RUN scripts without closing the tcp connection or sending AT commands to the modem (and get the result) without using the POST_RUN function?

Best Regards,

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Basic idea has been that external scripts can use the modem, and therefore it is closed while executing scripts. I have to test this later, possibly a new configuration setting is required to keep the connection open. New version 3.1.16beta2 is coming soon, and should include this addition.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
As the 3.1.16beta2 is still not released, here is a 3.1.16beta with the change for you:

Hidden private text.

A new setting regular_run_keep_open defaults to no, because of backward compatibility. Use the following setting in your configuration:

regular_run_keep_open = yes
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

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