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[Fixed in 3.1.19] Defining modems list with wildcard *

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Feb 2017
Location: Warsaw, Poland
I think I found a bug:
I have few devices which are gathering 32 modems in one. So I tried to define them as:

and in this case only sgTam's modems are created. It looks like parser is ignoring everything after first definition using wildcard *.

If I define:

then modem1,modem2 and sgTam's are initialized, but if:

then only sgTam's are created

Kindly, please check this out, because group defining saves me lot o chars and time :D
Oh, and I still use 3.1.16 version

« Last edit by yoozieck on Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:22, 89 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
The list of devices was made in such a way that if wildcard is used, only one definition is allowed. modem1,modem2,sgTam* 0-31 does not work properly, because it creates modem1 and modem2 multiple times.

This will be changed in the next version. Smsd will then accept multiple wildcard definitions and also static names mixed with them.

I do not yet publish a new version, because this is a minor issue for most users, and probably some other grouping options are going to be released at the same time.

For example:
devices = modem1, sgTam* 0-31, modem2, sgGar* 0-31

#These settings are applied for all modems

#Settings for sgTam modems only, overrides default section

#Settings for sgGar modems only, overrides default section

#Settings for sgTam0 modem, overrides sgTam* and default sections

and so on...
'smsdconf' Syntax Highlight powered by GeSHi

In addition, suspend could also accept wildcard, in which case one group of modems can be suspended easily, like sgTAM*: Service break.

If you have any ideas about grouping, or anything, please let me know.

Feb 2017
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Topic owner
Hi, I saw you released 3.1.19 which is fixing wildcards using. Thanks a lot @keke :)

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