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[solved] First incoming message is skipped

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Author Post
Mar 2017
Location: Romania
I use Windows 10 + Cygwin + SMS Server Tool 3 + Huawei E122 modem.

If it is only one message stored in modem memory, in smsd.log I have:

but no incomming message appear in the incomming folder.

The correct AT command for the first message must be:

Also, the last command in order to read the memory must be:

AT+CMGR=9, not =10

I think that incomming messages are numbered from 0 to 9, not from 1 to 10.

Now I also have an error in smsd.log file when the software tries to read the message no. 10:



May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Use a modem setting memory_start = 0.

Mar 2017
Location: Romania
Topic owner
OK. Solved... Sorry, I've missed this setting :)

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I think this might be somehow general issue with Huawei devices when users are setting up a new system or modem. Therefore the next version 3.1.20 detects this issue, and sets start to 0 automatically, and also instructs the user to use a modem setting memory_start = 0 to avoid future error messages.

Thanks for your feedback.

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