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[answered] General q: Encode special country characters

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Mar 2017
Location: Buskerud, Norway
Dear all,

First of all: I am not directly using SMS Server Tools 3 in my programs. I am developing microcontrollers with customized programming languages, so I am coding everything myself. I am using the website to generate PDU's to compare my code with the correct PDU's generated from this website to verify my code. I hope it is OK that I post my question here even if I am not using your software.

I have a question regarding how to encode special country characters. I am currently using this website to calculate the string that are required for sending PDU messages. I've developed programs for encoding the complete PDU, and this is working without issues as long as I am using "normal" ASCII characters (20-7F). However, when I exceed 7F (from 80 and above) to show special characters for my country (Norway), e.g. æøå I get the wrong characters when encoding. I've searched the web a lot, and I can find a lot of tables which indicates how to properly replace a code with a new code to handle special characters.

However, what I am wondering is if it is possible to programmatically change the hex/binary code from the original æøå to the correct hex/binary code before I do the normal PDU encoding, without using a lookup table?

To explain a bit more in detail:
The Norwegian character "æ" has the original ASCII hex number "E6". However when I run my normal alogirthm for encoding to PDU this will not work as expected. I can see that the correct hex number before encoding should be "3A". I've tried finding out how to programmatically convert E6 to 3A but I cannot find any pattern. I do not want to use a lookup table because this would mean that I will have to implement lookup tables for different countries, that is why I am asking for the possibility to programmatically convert these characters.

Does anyone know if this is possible to do?

Thanks in advance.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Because the GSM alphabet is a collection of generally used characters, including selected characters from extended ASCII, and it's using control code area to represent letters and symbols, conversion cannot be done with an algorithm.

Lookup table is required, but single table is enough. When a basic GSM alphabet is used, it is the same for all countries. Of course cyrillic languages and Chinese requires UCS2-BE encoding, but it's a different thing.

Are you possibly referring to the National Language Shift Tables, where western languages Turkish, Spanish and Portuguese have a possibility to use their own character set? Other western countries do not have shift tables, and all devices in all countries can display basic GSM alphabet properly.

Mar 2017
Location: Buskerud, Norway
Topic owner
Hi keke,

Thank you very much for your answer! Your first line of text really explains what I wondered; I cannot use an algorithm.

Since you've clarified my question, I will go ahed and make a cross-reference table where I translate the extended ASCII into control area representation. I am currently looking into the table you linked to which clearly defines how the translation should be done.

Thanks again for your quick response, and for clarifying my question.

I would also like to take the oportunity to thank you for this website (as I understand you are responsible), and it's great services which has helped me a lot during my development!

Best regards from Norway!

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