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[answered] Manually switch to a roaming carrier

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Author Post
May 2009
Location: Italy
Operating system name and version: Debian 8.7
Version of smsd: 3-3.1.15
Smsd installed from: sources
Name and model of a modem / phone: huawei usb stick
Interface: USB

Hi Keke,
in my USB key i'm using a SIM provided by an International Carrier, ForbesFone.
By default this SIM automatically use in Roaming an Italian Carrier, Vodafone. I need to use another italian carrier, Wind.
Is there a way to force the Roaming Partner?

Many Thanks


May 2009
Location: Italy
Topic owner
another question, how can I check wich carrier is using use sms3 when connected in roaming?


May 2009
Location: Italy
Topic owner
Hi Keke,
I read arounf the forum and found about *COPS AT command.
I run this command on minicom and get list of the operator available:

I have Wind available, so I add to sms.config this line:
start = AT+COPS=1,2,"22288"
startsleeptime = 30

When SMS3 start I get in the log this:

If I use Vodafone as carrier, modem register to network.

I asked to ForbesFone and they suggest me to use Wind that is preferred roaming partner in italy, but I don't know because it do not register.


« Last edit by marcolino7 on Thu Apr 13, 2017 13:40, 88 months ago. »
May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You could try the following command to see if it makes a difference:

AT+COPS=1,0,"Wind Telecomunic"

Access technology is set to 0 (GSM), and the second field of response list is used. This works in Finland, and other technologies do not work and other field contents do not work.

Good to see that you already found the command AT+COPS. However, I think that I'm not able to help you much more on this issue which is country specific. Google and local support are better for you.

May 2009
Location: Italy
Topic owner
Hi Keke,
carrier did lot of confuzion. Right Carrier is Vodafone, for this reason I cannot register on Wind.
Thanks for help



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