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[answered] WAP Push message

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Author Post
Apr 2017
Location: Fort Collins, CO, United States of America
Good Day SMS Server Tools 3 Community,

Does anyone have any code and/or examples of sending an MMS / WAP Push message using SMS Server Tools and Wavecom devices?

If anyone has any experience and knowledge regarding this I would be happy to paypal / fund for time spent and/or materials...

Thank you all!!!

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
MMS is not possible, but example of Wap Push is here: fileformat (see binary data, second example).

It is using Hex: yes header to create binary message with hexadecimal presentation on SMS body.

If you need some special kind of a Wap Push message, just let me know and I will check what can be done and how.

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