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[answered] Illegal byte sequence

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Author Post
Apr 2017
Location: Russian Federation

Me again. Installed smstools 3.1.20
System - FreeBSD 11, RPi 1.
Sending sms in cyrillic (Russian). Fails in sendsms script, as I can understand.
I think, that it should use UCS-2BE instead of UCS for Russina SMS
HEre is the log

Apr 2017
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
For information - eventhandler just invokes /usr/local/bin/sendsms 7916******* "Вот такой вопрос"
That's it, there is no any conversion in eventhandler.
I tracked code in /usr/local/bin/sendsms to iconv and it seems to fail somewhere in $TEXT convert.

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
You are running sendsms as root, and root's locale is 'C', not UTF-8.

It is said that root's locale should not be changed, so you could run smsd as unprivileged user and set it's locale to UTF-8. Or, edit the script sendsms and add -f UTF-8 argument to both iconv calls:

if $ECHO -n "$TEXT" | iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-15 2>&1 | grep "invalid" > /dev/null; then

$ECHO -n "$TEXT" | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UNICODEBIG >> $TMPFILE

Apr 2017
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Thank you!

Going to try.

That was not obvious for me

Apr 2017
Location: Russian Federation
Topic owner
Worked like a charm, thank you!

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