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[answered] fall release of next version

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Author Post
May 2009
Location: Philippines
Was reading the version history for updates and noticed that you plan to make a release this fall for the smst3 with built-in SQL support.

How is it going? Are you on track for a fall release?

May 2009
Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
I think that I will be on track with this release of smstools3. Just checked, the fall ends on December 22nd at 06:07 GMT. ;) So I have over three months time left... :)

Next release will have much more other features too, for example better Unicode / UTF-8 handling for messages using cyrillic languages. Due to the large number of the supported platforms, all testing will take some time.

May 2009
Location: Philippines
Topic owner

Nice! Will look forward to it.

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